Saturday, August 8, 2009

Static Vs Dynamic URLs

SEO recently are the hot topics in the word and for each and every website, URL is the basic constraint. URLs get extra precedence when we think on the SEO point of view because url structures are very very important for the search engine spiders to notice your site with millions of websites are there in the web.

Two types of URLs strick our mind, static and dynamic. On the SEO pint of view, both types of urls have importance, yet static URLs have extra added advantages over the dynamic URls due to the following reasons:

1. Static URLs have higher click-through rates in the SERPs, emails, web pages, etc.
2. Keyword prominence and relevancy is higher also,
3. Easier to copy, paste and handle on or offline,
4. Easy to remember and usable in branding and offline media,
5. Creates an accurate seamblance from users of what they’re about to see on the page,
6. When linked-to directly in URL format, it can be made to contain good anchor text to help the page rank higher,
7. All 4 of the major search engines and many other minor engines generally handle static URLs more easily than dynamic URLs, particularly if they consist multiple parameters.

There are penty of other facts regarding to this topic, which may be debatable, but i am not going to debate with anybody here. I am just stating my viwe over there and sharing my thoughs and experiences.

So, i will suggest every SEO hand to go through the website and just devide the SEO and non-SEO pages. Then check if the SEO pages have dynamic URLs. If it has then there are many URL rewrite tools in the web (, where you can easily rewrite all the dynamic pages into static pages, you just have to create a .htaccess file and you have to hard code it, then just upload the file on the root folder of the server and your job simply done. Now, relax, rest will be done by the search engine spider.

Always remember that search engines always prefer static URLs and treate them in good manner. So, before investing your lots of potential time doing SEO, just fix the URL structure first.

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