Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Blogging - Part 2

This is the second part about the necessity of blogging. You read the points carefully to be a successful blogger.

  1. Publish your photos on flickr.
  2. RSS subscription is important and ask your friends to subscribe through it.
  3. Comments are very important because knowledge transformation through it affects more to grow in expertise.
  4. Always try to draw the attention of new readers by posting substantial topics.
  5. Squidoo lens are most important and highlight your best posting on it.
  6. stuff that appeals to the majority of current blog readers--like gadgets and web 2.0.
  7. Your blog should have appreciation about Google.
  8. Should have attractive ads on your blogspot, even they should be better than your content.
  9. Write posts that each include dozens of trackbacks to dozens of blog posts so that people will notice you.
  10. Write about blogging.
  11. Listen other people, what they say, all day, everyday.
  12. To achieve more readers, post on weekdays.
  13. Don’t bore your readers by writing new and informative blogs.
  14. Post on weekends, since there is smaller number of new posts.
  15. Write simple texts, avoid lots of link.
  16. Don’t use commercial speeches, use non promotional speeches to boost your blog
  17. Boost up those who inspires, it also inspires your writing.
  18. Ping the technorati blogs to get recommended.
  19. Write in English.
  20. Be patient, don’t get boaring.
  21. Attract people with your stuff, then you get more traffic and popularity.


  1. Nice tips, I've just started looking around flickr lately though not enough.

  2. Keep your work hard, surely u will be succeeded.
