Friday, July 31, 2009

What Is Pagerank Sculpting

Just a few days ago in the world of SEO, attribute rel="nofollow" was a palatable way to stop search engine crawler from moving freely on all the pages of a website through the internal links. Simply, because someone wanted to restore the page rank on the targeted page and not to move that to the other pages. It not only helped sites to rank better in SERPs, but on the other way it attracted the client's view also.

On the old methodology, Google itselp accepted the process but recently Google has changed their algorithm and now-a-days, Google just gives importance to a website by judging plenties of other factors, not mere the link's nofollow attribute.

Google, just gives special attention on making great content that will attract links in the first place and choosing a site architecture that makes your site usable/crawlable for humans and search engines. Visitors and search engines shold be allowed to move freely through all internal pages of a site, to count value of each and every page. Obviously, somes secured pages should make nofollow as you choose search engines, not to go out those pages, as client log in, testimonial etc. You can make those pages, nofollow, no problem at all with it.

So, finally, avoid the malpractice of adding nofollow attribute much on the internal pages of your site, search engine crawler will not bother and your site will not get much more value.


  1. I don't think you completely understand what the nofollow tag is used for. Perhaps you may have it confused with the nofollow META tag, which is used to to prevent all links on the page from being crawled. The rel=nofollow tags are used to tell search engines not to give any weight or importance to the target which the link points to.

  2. You are not 100% right i think. First research on the topic and then post your comment. If u find any difference, then plz let me know with real life experiences. I am posting here with my knowledge in account, and whatever i am saying here, it is correct. I know what the nofollow meta tag is and u are just mixing it with rel attribute. Give more time on HTML tags..........

  3. Interesting!

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  4. Good post Arindam. I would say that it was straight to the point. And some people might be missing out on information that you might not have posted on nofollow.

  5. Arindam,

    I believe Mike maybe right on this one. I've personally conducted an experiment with this tag on a few of my websites and when I used the nofollow META tag I got no crawler traffic to any of the links on the page. I then switched it out and put rel=nofollow in all of the links and took out the nofollow META tag. The links were all crawled. Of course there's no way to tell if any of the links were considered to be relevant by googlebot, but they were all crawled even with rel=nofollow. Take a look at

    or the official Google blog:

    They state that rel=nofollow means that links get no credit or signifigance, but they are still crawled by the bots.

  6. So it does absolutely no good to place rel="nofollow" on internal links. In fact it reduces the overall PR of all of the pages on your site because it creates PR sinks... PR blackholes... where PR goes in but doesn't come out (or some of it doesn't come out) to be recirculated throughout your site. Volkswagen vans

  7. With so many links nofollow these days, I think it's just safer for me to just go ahead with social media marketing, especially with online video on sites like Vimeo and AdWido.

  8. I like what you think of page rank

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