Monday, April 12, 2010

Updated Seo News, Seo Tips & Techniques Seo Discussion Blog

There are lots of websites in the web and its not really funny to compete with them and brings your own in the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). You have to apply website optimization techniques with sense to drive lots of traffic towards your site. Keywords are the mail things to group a website by analyzing the business it provides and then the grouping is more necessary. Now, separate page of the website has separate targeted keywords and SEO techniques should be applied on them to gain the high rankings for those keywords and to bring them on SERP.

Website Analysis & Domain Age: If you can analyze your website well, you are done more than half of your job. The domain name is very important, your main targeted keyword in the URL matter a lot in terms of ranking in the web. Also the domain age is very important as most of the search engine bots prefer old age domain rather than the recently made one.

URL Structure: SEO friendly URLs are required for your website and the static URLs are always better for your website. Always use relevant keyword in the URL to fetch maximum benefit. If your website consists lots of dynamic URLs, work out well to convert them into static one because search engine doesnt prefer URLs having query strings.

Meta Tags: Title is the most important Meta tag for your website as it appears in the SERP. Each page should have three targeted keywords and at least two of them should be posted on the Title and the most relevant one should face the beginning of the sentence. Title should be in Title Case and maximum 65-70 characters (with space). Also include one strategic keyword in the Meta description and dont use more than 160 characters (with space) there. This tag is not so important for search engine, though you can get few weights. Meta keyword is less important tag and dont use more than three keywords there and dont spam.

Header Tags: After Title tag, H1 is the most important one to gain more SEO benefit for your site. Include one priority keyword there and if your site permits also include H2, H3 upto H6 there, but this is not always important.

Content: Lean on the colloquial language content is king and always use fresh, well-researched and keyword reached content to draw more traffic for your website. When you write content, keep your focus on keyword prominence, keyword density and keyword weight to make it more SEO friendly. Dont use tour optimized keywords more than 3-5%, otherwise your content will loose SEO weight.

Link popularity: How much back-links your website have, is very crucial factor to gain SERP ranking. Analyze your core competitor based on their inbound links, and try to gain some links from the sites your competitor fetched. It will surely take your site more steps away. Try to gain links from your relevant sites and if you get plenty of quality links (1 way or 3 ways), then search engine will automatically stress on your site more than other sites having less important spam links.


  1. The article is awesome and really provides good SEO techniques. Your post is really essential for SEO. Thanks for sharing this. I am sure many people will also find your post very helpful.

  2. It's awesome post though and I've found some useful tips for the bloggers here. I follow most of these but when it comes to web analysis, I love to apply my colibritool from and it offers me the most seo needs I find. Thanks
