Friday, April 30, 2010

How To Add Google Analytics @Google Knol

Most of us who are already in the SEO profession for the long time haven't even think of adding Google analytics on their Google knol!!! There are very few people who have applied this technique to make track the organic visitors as a whole. Those who have already applied it, fine but i think this post will help most of the SEO loving people who want to groom themselves.

First of all you have to create a Google knol on a particular topic. After publishing that topic and making it live, you have to click the "edit knol" button. Then you can see various options in the right panel of the post and there would be another button called "my preference". Click and you will be brought into a setting pages with multiple tabs, where you will find another tab name "Analytics". In the mean time you create a new account in Google analytics or from the existing account you can create a website profile name with the existing knol and after putting your details you can automatically receive a urchine.js code there with a "Tracking value". Copy that value and paste it into the "Analytic" section of that knol and finally click the "Save" button.

You are done and really applied something tedious but modern tactics. Now go to your Google analytics account and see the "pending" status of your newly incorporated tracking code.

After 24 hours you will be able to track all you need for your knol in respect to traffic details.

Hope this post will help you a lot! If anybody find interesting kindly make some comment.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Amazing Things - Google dance & Googlewashing

How many SEO guys among us are aware on google dance? Do you know what this is? Ok, i am here going to discuss the method explicitly below.

We all are aware on the fact that Google always going to make updates on it's alorithm or certain technical arenas. For the guys who are in the SEO field, it's really for them to know about the Google update. Tjis update minorly or majorly affect your website ranking factors. In general, Google makes changes on it's algorithm majorly one time in a month (sometime it has been observed that Google have made major algorithm change after 3 months long time) and this change is not so easy to take place, some time it requires more than 24 hours at a streach to get the change of the algorithm.

Google uses 3 internal servers like:,, ................
Actually, this is very interresting topic and outside the Google company, nobody knows what they are and how they take place and when the two more servers run. Only Googler know about the fact in detail and they never disclose thiis fact to anybody outside the Google. When the major update takes place in the prime server, the other two servers depicted above run simultaneously and the most interesting part is that, at that moment a particular keyword or keyphrase shows 3 different ranking in the above 3 servers, i mean, there obviusly are rank differences for the above 3 servers, and how interesting it is!! and this method is known to us as "Google Dance"; "your particular keyword or keyphrase dances in ranking for 3 different servers".


Another very crazy thing which can turn you even mad is "[B]Googlewashing[/B]", it is simply copying your original content ditto and pasting it in your duplicate site line-by-line. Suppose, you have written an article after a well made research and just uploaded to your site, immidiately you have seen another guy have just copied it thoroughly without a single line change and put it into his/her own site and it's been cached before your own one, how disgusting is it! and that person got the milage kicking you on your ass.

By Googlewashing, you become a total full in the eye of search engine as your credit goes to another person, who haven't give 1 min effort to gain such a long credentials. Googlewashing can kill your compititor or vice versa.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Beware Link Builders – Google Caffeine is Knocking @ Your Door

I am writing particularly this topic from some amount of knowledge I have gathered from different resources. It’s said that Google caffeine the latest update in Google algorithm is just knocking at the door. First I heard that it will release in the month of May 2010, now I am hearing its release date will be on the later half of year 2010. Whatever it may be, it will come to us very soon, as a die heard SEO, I am already thrilled about its launch.

I have heard that after big daddy (one change in Google algorithm in the year 2005 around), it’s the first major change or update of Google’s search engine algorithm structure. Google engineers certainly wouldn’t reveal their hidden policies related to caffeine, I have also heard some videos by Matt Cutt on this most wanted topic. For the SEO industries (small and large scale both) there will be some definite strategies for their thoughts on the way to SEO after the certain Google update takes place and most industries are already started thinking on this issues, what would be their new approach to cope up with the latest search technique.

Whatever the information gathered till to date, the main things are website speed, social bookmarking and quality link building is the three things matter most for any site’s SERP ranking. Today my discussion is just on the 3rd one, which is quality link building. The 3rd one matters most for SERP ranking of any site.

Now-a-days, most of the link building campaigns are going through wrong way, I am really sorry to say it, because their approach remains on building high amount of money, irrespective of quality work. I have watched such thousand campaigns and they fain in the long run for sure. Always keep your focus on very high quality link building, I mean build natural links for your targeted website. Choose 4-5 keywords and build very reasonable amount of links over a certain period of time, so that Google or other search engine can’t suspect your activities. Your anchor text should be relevant and thematic. Get links from high PR pages and the third party link page should be of good quality, I mean they shouldn’t be make for only link building purpose, those pages should have some genuine relevancy and web presence, otherwise your link would have no value and it’s simple waste of your time and client’s valuable money.

Not only rely on 3 way link building, try to get some links from dofollw blogs and very potential comments, which would be treated as 1 way link but with very very high value.

Remember, Google caffeine updating algorithm so that your site would have better index for deeper links and beware 3 way link builders, old approach to your link building would be gone very soon. Traditional method will be caught soon by the Google search engine especially after their algorithmic update and fake links not only would be valueless, it would severely damage your SERP raking. So, time has come for you all to think in a better way to do quality work, not quantity and earning money.

Monday, April 19, 2010

GWT Now Shows CTR & Position in SERPS !!!

I picked a term I know I have had the top 5 positions at various times, and it’s interesting to see the clickthrough rate on particular keyword searches…. and how many clicks the top position in Google gets compared to the number 3 position, no4 and no5.

Position 1 58 46 79%
Position 2 91 46 51%
Position 3 210 73 35%
Position 4 260 46 18%
Position 5 110 12 11%

Obviously, this is just one example – it will take a while to look into the new data and look at an average – but it shows a number 1 getting nearly 30% more of the clicks than a no2 ranking. You might find some useful nuggets of information at Google Webmaster Tools for your own site…..

Of course, click through rate can be skewed by any number of factors – the nature of the query or how compelling your call to actions are in your title and your meta description, to name just a couple.

Friday, April 16, 2010

SEO URLs Structure

URL structure is one of the most important thinks among all other in the field of search engine optimization. We all have heard one thing – SEO friendly URLs but how many of us have properly analyzed that?

Search engine crawler always prefers simple and static URLs rather than URLs with full of query strings or in a simple word, dynamic URLs. In the below example it is cleared. ……….. Dynamic URL .......... Static URL

Search Engine always prefers the second one for simplicity. Dynamic URLs are mostly reluctant by all kind of search engines due to the complex structure also. From the SEO point of view, placement of important and thematic keywords in the URL carries heavy weight and helps the site to rank better in SERP.

Suppose your chosen keyword for a particular page of your site is mls listing services. You are determined to use this keyword for this page:

Look at the above URL structure with proper attention. The main keyword for a particular targeted page is inserted in the URL name. What more you need?? Your SEO for this particular page is 75% done in the initial stage. Now-a-days, most SEO companies ignore this simple fact and at the end they simply loose the SEO value for their website and ultimately can’t satisfy their valuable clients after long and hard work.

Also look the keyword putting pattern in the URL depicted above. The words after the main domain are used with the expression ‘-’. Here is a debate, some people urge for underscore ‘_’ and some urge for dash ‘-’. As a SEO lover, I would go for both as I have instance of success with both the above expressions, yet I prefer ‘-’ more because, small phrases are lined up together with dash which will help crawler to crawl and index the URL far better than the one used ‘_’ which search engine figures out as separate words usage in the URL portion.

So, beware when determining the URL structure of your website you determined to do SEO, only because proper URL structure and keyword placement in the URL makes your job nearly done.

Also to note that search engine crawler still favors extensions like .htm, .html, .php rather than .asp or .aspx or others, so first of all if your site is create with other complex program rather than the said above, sit with the designers and programmers and tell them to convert the site with SEO friendly extension, if you ultimately need to satisfy your SEO clients.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Video XML Sitemap – Way to Grow Feasibility of Your Site

Most of us doing SEO for a long time are well acquainted with the general XML sitemap. We all know that normal XML sitemap is created to enhance the crawling and indexing capacity of a text based website in a far better way to make it more feasible. But, we all have flown with the concept that is there any option to rank for our site through embedded video content of a website? This question is growing day by day on a SEO expert’s mind. And where there is a question, there is also a solution we all know. And, conclusion is that, video XML sitemap can solve this problem.

We all know that search engines are generally reluctant to crawl video content present in a site. You can have a website containing very important video contents provided by the client and clear instruction from the client to rank those videos in SERP. Also there are some clients who demand SERP result for most competitive keyword, like “business, internet” etc. Video XML sitemap can help in this part in a better way.

Video Sitemap Guidelines

A video sitemap contains only URLs that refer to the video content of the site, web pages with embedded video, URLs to players for video

If we have multiple videos on the same HTML based page, we need to use different entries for them with different or to provide information. Try to avoid hosting same videos on different URLs of the same site.

Don’t use more than 10,000 video items on the page. You can use multitple video sitemaps, no nesting required here.

.mpg, .mpeg, .mp4, .mov, .wmv, .asf, .avi, .ra, .ram, .rm, .flv, .swf. these are the video file type that google can crawl. One of the most amazing ways to promote flash site is to create video XML sitemap for all the flash content. It will surely yield result. All files should be HTTP accessibility.

We have to keep in mind that no URL used in the video XML sitemap should be blocked from the robots.txt file.

and are the two very important tags for Google web crawler. Here you can put your most competing keywords for generating SE ranking.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Methods Of Negative SEO

We the SEO lover people, always think about boosting out key phrase ranking in the SERP, but how much of us know about negative SEO?? Probably very few of us….

Negative SEO is the tactic to demoralize your core competitor’s key phrase ranking in the search result to boost your own. It reduces a page’s ranking in the search result.

Why do Negative SEO?

This yet to be favorite SEO tactic is mainly done for the following main two reasons:

1. To downgrade your competitor in the search ranking and SERP. This technique is called SERP bubbling. Generally it is done alongside the normal SEO to improve your own site at the same time to dominate your competitor to boost your own ranking.
2. To conceal the news about yourself and also your company. Suppose you have bad reputation over the globe around the web, but as a company owner or as a celebrity or famous person you obviously don’t want to spread those bad things more which can severely damage your reputation. So, you have to downgrade those who are spreading bad things about you and your organization by reducing those particular profiles’s ranking, so that people can’t be much more aware of that. This process is called Online Reputation Management (ORM/SERM).

The Process of Doing Negative SEO

There are a number of ways you can eliminate a page from the search engine rankings. Some of the methods listed are legitimate and good practice, but others are sneaky, immoral and probably illegal. This information is provided so that you may prevent your site being a victim of negative SEO, rather than to condone the practice.
1. Removing aberrant content
This is the easiest method. If an insulting post has been made on a forum, you can call for the moderators to remove the content. In general, forum moderators and blog owners are quite happy to delete potentially damaging posts and comments.

2. Endorse non felonious content - "Insulation"
This involves creating or promoting non harmful pages, for example, if a page contains negative messages about your client, you can create positive message content, and do SEO to promote those pages higher up, and force the bad press down the rankings where it will have less impact.
Similary, you can do this for business competitors. If you sell product A and your competitor sells products A and B, then you can promote another company that just sells product B, which is not in competition with you, but is in competition with the business that you are doing negative SEO on.
This method is sometimes called Google Insulation.

3. Google Bowling
This is a technique designed to remove a site from the SERPs by making google believe the site is spammy. The are two ways this can be done. One is to add links to the site from lots of bad neighbourhoods, link farms and automatically generated spammy pages. If you get thousands of links back to he site in a few days and get them to show up in googles results, this can trigger a spam alert and affect the rankings of the site. The other way it is done is to find a page on your competitors website which has dynamic URLs but has the same content, for example, if they have a page with the url , then is the url is changed to page=12 but has the same content, then you are vulnerable to google bowling by url manipulation. What is done then is to create hundreds of links with slightly different urls but the same content, post these links liberally around forums, blogs, directories and link farms, and sooner or later google will tag it as black hat.

4. Infect their site
If a site is infected with a virus, then it is flagged up in the SERPs as being potentially dangerous. This can be also achieved by using cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities to create links to pages which display on page content from posted form elements or querystrings - for example, if you have a site with a page like search.asp?keyword=mysearch and in the page itself it says 'there are no results for mysearch' - then the link can be manipulated to search.asp?keyword=. If you then post this link on a webpage, then anyone clicking on it will get the search results page, and where it says 'there are no results for XX' the javascript is inserted into the page content and runs with the same security level as the main page itself. When google picks this link up, it will flag your site as infected and possibly remove it from the search results.

5. Tattling
This involved informing google that a site contravenes its guidelines. Usually this is to report paid-for links (which you youself could set up without the target site's involvement), or grey hat SEO tactics used on the site. Other forms of tattling is to claim copyright theft of content or images.

6. Guilty by Association
This method involves making your own spammy site - the spammier the better - using a similar url to your competitor and if possible use the same domain registrar and hosting services. Copying the metatags and site content of the home page of your target site is also useful. Then you do everything in your power to get the site banned (it's not hard). Once you have done this, you install a 301 redirect to your competitors site and sit back and watch it slide down the rankings linke a pig on a greasy pole! This is especially effective if your black site has the same pages as the target site and you do individual 301 redirects to the target site.

7. False duplicated content
The way this is done is to create a site with the same content as your competitor, but try to get the new content to the site crawled before your competitor. For example, if your competitor changes their home page, you change your honeypot site's homepage to the same content and metatags, then submit a sitemap with just that page on it to google, bing and yahoo site explorer, so that your content is indexed first and your competitor's content is ignored as duplicate content when the search engines get around to indexing them. This is very hard to defend against, and only reporting the site as phishing content can save you here. Canonical urls can also help.

8. Denial of Service Attacks (DOS)
This method of hacking uses several different computers to simultaniously flood the target website with requests so that the volume of traffic blocks up the website's bandwidth and essentially cuts off access to the rest of the world. Distributed denial of service attacks (DDOS) are even more damaging because they use hundreds or even thousands of virus infected zombie PCs all on different IP Addresses to attack the target site.
If a site is unreachable when google tries to crawl it, this has negative consequences for the rankings of the site.

9. Click Fraud
If your competitor has adwords running for their site, you can click on their adverts to use up their budget and affect the number of genuine visitors. Generally google is pretty good at detecting this, so it has limited impact. However, if you set up a team of people and got them all to do 3 or 4 clicks a day, it soon adds up.
Another click mechanism is to get all your friends to click on your site, or the sites just below your competitor. There is some evidence to suggest that the number of clicks affects your rankings.

10. Adsense Banning
If your target site uses google adsense, then you can click on their adverts on their site many times until the adsense account is suspended. Its much easier to suspend someone's adsense account than it is to get it resumed following allogations of click fraud.

11. Black social bookmarking
This method uses social networking sites like twitter and facebook to create lots of bogus accounts, then use these accounts to create spammy links to the target site with phrases like 'viagra', 'porn', 'teens', 'warez', 'crackz', 'gambling' etc. This is an extension of google bowling taking advantage of the new features of google that include real time search of social networking sites.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Updated Seo News, Seo Tips & Techniques Seo Discussion Blog

There are lots of websites in the web and its not really funny to compete with them and brings your own in the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages). You have to apply website optimization techniques with sense to drive lots of traffic towards your site. Keywords are the mail things to group a website by analyzing the business it provides and then the grouping is more necessary. Now, separate page of the website has separate targeted keywords and SEO techniques should be applied on them to gain the high rankings for those keywords and to bring them on SERP.

Website Analysis & Domain Age: If you can analyze your website well, you are done more than half of your job. The domain name is very important, your main targeted keyword in the URL matter a lot in terms of ranking in the web. Also the domain age is very important as most of the search engine bots prefer old age domain rather than the recently made one.

URL Structure: SEO friendly URLs are required for your website and the static URLs are always better for your website. Always use relevant keyword in the URL to fetch maximum benefit. If your website consists lots of dynamic URLs, work out well to convert them into static one because search engine doesnt prefer URLs having query strings.

Meta Tags: Title is the most important Meta tag for your website as it appears in the SERP. Each page should have three targeted keywords and at least two of them should be posted on the Title and the most relevant one should face the beginning of the sentence. Title should be in Title Case and maximum 65-70 characters (with space). Also include one strategic keyword in the Meta description and dont use more than 160 characters (with space) there. This tag is not so important for search engine, though you can get few weights. Meta keyword is less important tag and dont use more than three keywords there and dont spam.

Header Tags: After Title tag, H1 is the most important one to gain more SEO benefit for your site. Include one priority keyword there and if your site permits also include H2, H3 upto H6 there, but this is not always important.

Content: Lean on the colloquial language content is king and always use fresh, well-researched and keyword reached content to draw more traffic for your website. When you write content, keep your focus on keyword prominence, keyword density and keyword weight to make it more SEO friendly. Dont use tour optimized keywords more than 3-5%, otherwise your content will loose SEO weight.

Link popularity: How much back-links your website have, is very crucial factor to gain SERP ranking. Analyze your core competitor based on their inbound links, and try to gain some links from the sites your competitor fetched. It will surely take your site more steps away. Try to gain links from your relevant sites and if you get plenty of quality links (1 way or 3 ways), then search engine will automatically stress on your site more than other sites having less important spam links.